Days 8 & 9

Saturday was our last day of VBS with the children, and our last opportunity to teach the teens. As with the end of any program, there was the excitement and anticipation of completing something we had been working on for so long, and the sadness that this meant our time with them was drawing to a close.

Our fourth day of VBS covered the final stage of redemptive history: the New Creation! We taught the children that when they believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, God gives them a new heart and a new nature that loves Him and serves Him. The day culminated with the Truth defeating the Lie once for all in our VBS skits, where the children learned that truth wins over lies every time.

Following the VBS, we joined the adults in their main session to do a brief VBS presentation, sharing with them what their children had been learning all week. The children wore their superhero costumes—a mask, cape, and shield they had been decorating during craft time all week—and sang our them song, "HERO" by Seeds Family Worship. It was such a joy to share with the missionaries there the truth their children had learned!

While the VBS was going on, half of our team continued to meet with the teens. Our last discussion topic centered on the theme of Always Being Ready to Mature from Hebrews 5. Throughout the week, we found that many of the teens were hesitant to open up with us and share how they were doing and how life on the field affected them. Saturday this changed. Several teens opened up about their struggles and frustrations at the circumstances they found themselves in, admitting that they often found themselves angry at God. Our team was able to minister to these students and remind them of God's goodness and the joy that can be found only in him. The teens left encouraged by our team, saying they felt God had used this week to remind them He was with them and for them.

The rest of Saturday was spent in fellowship with the teens and missionaries, playing volleyball, staying up late, and enjoying time with these new friends we had made. Sunday morning we enjoyed worship and communion with them. Leaving Felsengrund Conference Center that afternoon was bitter sweet as we said goodbye to people we had grown to genuinely love and enjoy. We hope to see them again someday soon, and look forward to keeping in touch with them.

Sunday afternoon we traveled to Stuttgart for the final leg of our journey. After settling into our hotel we caught a train into the city center. We toured the city a bit and enjoyed one last meal together before flying home. It was a sweet time of reflecting on this trip, what we had learned, and what we had seen God accomplish.

Monday morning we begin the long trek home. We come back tired yet invigorated for ministry. Our time at the BMW Missionary Conference reminded us of the pressing need to engage in gospel ministry and to live our lives for the glory of Christ and his kingdom. We are excited to return home and have an impact in the communities God has put us in.

See you soon!


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